Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Moving Forward

Hey everyone!!  Yesterday the plan to go to Thailand took a giant step forward.  No we don't have our flight plans just yet but we are definately almost to that point.  Around 5:45 AM Rachel and I began our trip to the Royal Thai Embassy.  It was a good thing we left so early because even from Richmond to Washington DC it took around 3.5 hours.

This trip was so we could get our non-immigrant workers visas, which I am proud to say we were approved, but not before we had to jump through a couple of hoops.  If any of you ever plan a trip to another country and are required to get a visa let me throw out a few helpful pieces of information:
  1. Check to see if the Embassy takes appointments (the Royal Thai Embassy does not)
  2. Make sure you bring 2 passport size photos of yourself and make sure they are recent (2x2)
  3. Fill out the application
  4. Have your passport with you
  5. A copy or your bank statement (that's the one that gave us problems)
  6. And ours was $65
    1. You can pay in cash in person
    2. It must be money order if through the mail
    3. 3 days to process in person
    4. 10-12 business days by mail
And, as many of you probably know very well the traffic around DC is absolutely awful.  Make sure you allow enough time to not only deal with traffic, but allow some "getting lost" time if you're not entirely sure where you are going.  Needless to say it was an eventful day trip that I get to make again this Friday (to go back and pick up our visas). 

Well, I guess that's about all I have for you today.  Thanks again for tuning in and I hope to have something new for everyone in a couple of days.  Take care all and remember if there is anything you want to talk about and/or discuss or any question just let me know.


Friday, October 22, 2010


Welcome everyone!!!  My name is Cush and as you may already know, this is "A Hop, Skip and a Jump".  The inspiration for creating this blog came when I decided I wanted to be able to share my experiences with friends and family while my fiance' (Rachel) and I are living in Thailand.  That's right, you read it correctly, Thailand.

This is a trip I have been planning for almost three years now and as of this week things are beginning to fall into place.  We will be leaving Monday around 6:00AM for Washington D.C. to submit our applications for work visas.  Let me go ahead and say that if you plan on getting a work visa allow yourself at least three months in preparation before you depart.  Sometimes the lines of communication are difficult to travel and this is not one of those things you want to leave until the last minute. 

With this blog I hope to share my experiences, my insights and if there is anything you wish to discuss I am always open to suggestions.  This is the beginning of what I hope to be a very fun and successful relationship whether you are friends, family or someone who just stumbled across my blog (and if I don't know you that won't stop us from becoming friends).

Well that's all I have for now, but be sure to check back periodically for updates.  Take care everyone and have a safe weekend. 
